Monday, 14 November 2016

Synaa Thanakha Cream
Synaa #cream #face cream is a #smooth#cream with #rich #composition of#Thanakha extract #multivitamin A,C,E and#Aloe #Vera #juice,effectively helps#hydrate and #replenish #skin's lost#moisture,#lighten skin to look #brighterand more #radiant.

Synaa #Almond #Facial#Cream is #mild #creamy #moisturizer that#replenishes dry and very dry #skin,which is #sensitive or #unbalanced. This #natural#moisturizer is #enriched with#antioxidants like #vitamin E that gently protects and #cares for #skin, maintaining its #natural balance of #oils and #moisture. The skin regains it's elasticity, making it#smoother and #supple.

Synaa turmeric cream.
Synaa #turmeric #facial #cream is enriched with #pure extracts of #turmeric #roots that are known to prevent #acne and provide an even #skin #tone reducing blemishes . regular usage usage will help to make your#skin brighter providing an ultimate#sheen.

Synaa #papaya #fairness#cream is a blend of #papaya #fruit extract that is known to be #rich in #papain that acts as an #excellent #skin #exfoliater. It's antioxidant #vitamins #rejuvenates your#skin ,#blemish #free and provides an ultimate #sheen. Aloe Vera is known to#hydrate your #skin.

Synaa #pomegranate age#defying #cream.
Synaa #pomegranate #cream for #age#defying #contains #pomegranate which is #naturally #rich in your #skin from #free #radical#damage and #promotes #skin#renewal.shea #butter #rnders your skin#silky #smooth and lavishly #moisturize.
#facecream #synaa #skin #silky#smooth # moisturized
#herbal #organic #purelly #ayurveda#nosideeffect 

Synaa #rose #water #cream.
Synaa #rose #water #face #cream is#enriched with the #goodness of #rose#petal #extract that are known as #anti-inflammatory and #helps to #moisturize the#skin #providing #glow and #nourishment.
#synaa #herbal #product #organic#ayurveda #purelly #rose

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